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Party board of cheese, herring and snacks

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  • 150g Smoked herring fillet Lisner Marynarski
  • 150g Herring fillet with parsley Lisner Marynarski
  • 150g Gypsy-style herring fillet Lisner Marynarski
  • bunch of red grapes
  • 150g Roquefort cheese
  • 150g Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 150g Camembert cheese
  • 150g Mimolette cheese
  • green olives
  • dried tomatoes
  • dried plums
  • 50g walnuts
  • 50g almonds
  • breadstuff
  • crackers, wheat breadsticks
Party board of cheese, herring and snacksParty board of cheese, herring and snacks
Method of preparation

Method of preparation

  1. Drain the herrings from the marinade/oil.
  2. Wash grapes.
  3. Cut the cheeses into bars, triangles and cubes to vary the forms of serving.
  4. Thusly prepared ingredients arrange on a platter or serving dish.